Auto Accident & On The Job Injury Chiropractic
at Handly Chiropractic Clinic
If you do not take care of the functional integrity of your spine, you may heal wrong & not function properly. The joints may also become damaged & begin to decay. It is vital to undergo a chiropractic assessment & care after any traumatic incident.
After any traumatic event symptoms can take sometimes a week to appear. You might feel fine at first, thanks to an adrenaline rush, but ignoring problems now can lead to chronic issues. In addition to whiplash neck pain, you may experience headache, mid & lower back pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, & concussions (brain injury).
Any type of physical trauma, whether on the job or a car accident, may cause serious muscle, ligament & joint damage. Your ligaments hold your spinal bones & joints together. When they become damaged it is vital to seek chiropractic care, to maintain the integrity & function of the spine minimizing scar damage, disc & joint degeneration while your muscles, ligaments & joints heal.
When injured on the job injury or in an auto crash you have a right to seek care from any type of doctor you wish. No matter what your insurance or employer tells you.
Chiropractic care can prevent long-term pain & impairment. At Handly Chiropractic Clinic, we provide a unique service not provided by medical doctors, physical or massage therapists, to help you recover & heal properly. Doctors of Chiropractic are specialists specifically trained to assess spinal injury & make Adjustments to the spine. Chiropractic care has proven effective for restoration of function which reduces pain, while you recover & heal. Of course, we do work with your M.D, PT, & massage therapist.
Handling Your Claims
- Auto Accident Injuries: If you have Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage, we bill your insurance directly with no out-of-pocket payments by you. If you have a third-party case, (NO PIP), we require you to obtain legal representation to protect your interests, as well as ours or, you must pay as you receive care & submit to the third party for reimbursement when case settles.
- On-the-Job Injuries: When you’re hurt on the job here in Washington you can go to any doctor you choose that is approved by the Dept. of Labor & Industries. Many employers incorrectly tell you you have to go to the doctor they choose. We will submit your claim & bills to the Department of Labor & Industries in Washington state. It is up to the Adjudicator to approve the claim. If your claim is approved, there is no out-of-pocket expense to you.
Book Your Appointment Today
We’re here to help restore your health, so you can get back to doing the things you enjoy. Contact Handly Chiropractic Clinic to get started.